Tate Oil is a 50+ year old company based in Engage Comms' hometown of Otley, West Yorkshire. The sales team were looking for a trusted local partner to launch their new Solar PV proposition to their existing niche customer base.
We devised a highly targeted launch campaign that focused on maximising return on investment from a ‘quality over quantity’ audience. Our key challenge was to differentiate Tate Solar from the plethora of other solar panel installers, many of which have a reputation for ‘hard selling’ to a highly sceptical audience who believe the ‘no upfront cost’ funding is ‘too good to be true’. We focused on the parent company Tate Oil’s history and trusted expertise with the energy needs of their existing ‘off grid’ rural customer base, along with its investment in commercial-grade, top-tier solar technology, to set it apart from its competitors.
The team had made a start on branding and a website and asked us to bring a professional edge to this, along with the development of a suite of digital and print materials to communicate their new proposition to Tate Oil customers, personalised for target sectors including farmers, engineering companies, and rural schools.
This is now being rolled out and we have been asked to look at Tate Oil’s wider marketing comms strategy as part of the ongoing relationship.