Category: Social media

Engage Comms client Perch Group sets out to revolutionise field-based recoveries with launch of new company, Verify

Our already packed awards shelf is going to need reinforcing following last night's Chartered Institute of Public Relations' (CIPR) Yorkshire & Lincolnshire PRide Awards where we picked up our 9th and 10th awards since setting up in business sev...

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Engage Comms launches Civil Court Users Association’s new website

Engage Comms launches Civil Court Users Association’s new website

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Engage Comms launches Money Advice Liaison Group’s first Annual Member Engagement Survey

Engage Comms launches Money Advice Liaison Group’s first Annual Member Engagement Survey

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Engage Comms shortlisted for Credit Awards Best Marketing Campaign of the Year 2023

Engage Comms shortlisted for Credit Awards Best Marketing Campaign of the Year 2023

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21 years in B2B comms: Has it finally ‘come of age’?

21 years in B2B comms: Has it finally ‘come of age’?

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Engage Comms client Perch Group makes trio of announcements

Engage Comms client Perch Group makes trio of announcements

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Post-pandemic face-to-face events: How Engage Comms has taken the Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) Conference to an all-time high online

Post-pandemic face-to-face events: How Engage Comms has taken the Money Advice Liaison Group (MALG) Conference to an all-time high online

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B2B service sector marketing comms for SME credit management and collections firms

B2B service sector marketing comms for SME credit management and collections firms

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Engage Comms client UX Global first to install innovative new ‘high bright’ LED screens in UK retail store

Engage Comms client UX Global first to install innovative new ‘high bright’ LED screens in UK retail store

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